Grab & Go Early Literacy Stations
Support early literacy throughout the library and in the community with Grab & Go Early Literacy Stations, built from simple, customizable templates that highlight each of the Five Practices and Six Skills. Set up an early literacy station as a display or passive program anywhere. Include books from your library collection, and take-and-make activities.
The free, downloadable templates include display sheets that describe each skill or practice, activity sheets for each skill, and checklists of supplies for each skill. The files are provided in both Microsoft Word and Microsoft Publisher formats, and may be customized with your library logo or other information.
Five Practices (Play, Read, Sing, Talk, Write) - 5 display sheets in Microsoft Publisher (.pub) format
Five Practices - 5 display sheets in Microsoft Word (.docx) format
Letter Knowledge display sheet (.pub)
Letter Knowledge supplies and activities sheets (.pub)
Letter Knowledge display sheet (.docx)
Letter Knowledge supplies and activities sheets (.docx)
Narrative Skills display sheet (.pub)
Narrative Skills supplies and activities sheets (.pub)
Narrative Skills display sheet (.docx)
Narrative Skills supplies and activities sheets (.docx)
Phonological Awareness display sheet (.pub)
Phonological Awareness supplies and activities sheets (.pub)
Phonological Awareness display sheet (.docx)
Phonological Awareness supplies and activities sheets (.docx)
Print Awareness display sheet (.pub)
Print Awareness supplies and activities sheets (.pub)
Print Awareness display sheet (.docx)
Print Awareness supplies and activities sheets (.docx)
Print Motivation display sheet (.pub)
Print Motivation supplies and activities sheets (.pub)
Print Motivation display sheet (.docx)
Print Motivation supplies and activities sheets (.docx)
Vocabulary display sheet (.pub)
Vocabulary supplies and activities sheets (.pub)
Vocabulary display sheet (.docx)
Vocabulary supplies and activities sheets (.docx)
To assemble and display Grab & Go Literacy Stations, arrange the display sheets on a tri-fold display board and place books and activity materials in front. Or place the sheets in acrylic sign holders to display on a table or bookcase. If space is at a premium, staple the sheets into a booklet, or post them on endcaps. Place Grab & Go Literacy Stations in your storytime room or near your picture book collection. Make copies of the activity sheets for parents and caregivers to take home. Create a literacy corner with some comfy parent-and-child furniture and watch the fun begin! Put Grab & Go Literacy Stations in community centers and doctors' offices. Mix and match the templates to suit your library's programs or community needs. Let your imagination and your early literacy goals be your guides.

The photo above depicts a Grab & Go-inspired display created by the Wayne County Public Library. Download a full-color sheet of the Five Practices diamond shapes and a full-color sheet of the Six Skills oval shapes shown in the display.
Grab & Go Early Literacy Stations were developed and created by the Ohio Ready to Read Task Force. Marisa Glaviano and staff at the Westerville Public Library created the original templates. Kerry Rhoad, Children's Librarian at the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, updated the templates and created the display sheets for the Five Practices.
Ohio Ready to Read is indebted to the Idaho Commission for Libraries' Read to Me program, which inspired the ORTR Grab & Go Literacy Stations.