Ohio's Early Learning and Development Standards Revision

The Ohio Department of Education’s Office of Early Learning and School Readiness has released a plan to revise Ohio’s Early Learning and Development Standards (Ohio ELDS). The standards were adopted by the State Board of Education in October 2012 to describe key concepts and skills that young children develop from birth to age 5.

The review and revision process presents an opportunity for families, early childhood professionals, librarians, community members, and other stakeholders to provide suggestions for improving the standards through a public comment survey. Share your feedback with the ODE here: www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZK88H6N. This survey will be open until April 15.

The ODE is also accepting nominations for individuals to serve on work groups to revise the standards based on recommendations from the public comment survey and state and national experts. Complete this brief form to be considered for a work group.

Learn more about the Ohio ELDS review and revision process:

The Ohio ELDS documents are here:

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