Reimagining School Readiness

The Reimagining School Readiness Toolkit is a suite of research-backed resources created for library staff to help families prepare children ages 0 to 8 for success in school and in life. The toolkit is free to download.

The hands-on, interactive Reimagining School Readiness workshop, led by ORTR trainers and State Library of Ohio staff, introduces library workers to the research, practical implications, and resources offered in the toolkit. 

You do not need to attend the workshop to download and use the toolkit, but workshop attendees gain insights into the current research behind the skills and conditions that matter most for a child’s success in school and life. Workshop attendees also receive practical ready-to-implement ideas for activities, and resources for staff training and for parents/caregiver support.

Reimagining School Readiness focuses on key aspects of development: quality adult-child interactions, social skills, math and science learning, executive functions, stress, and growth mindset.
The Reimagining School Readiness project is led by the Pacific Library Partnership, the Bay Area Discovery Museum’s Center for Childhood Creativity, and the California State Library. 

Learn more about Ohio workshops.
Download, print, and share a bookmark/mini-flyer on Growth Mindset with book recommendations for children and adults.

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