
Day By Day Ohio Family Literacy Calendar

The Day By Day Ohio Family Literacy Calendar provides young children and their caring adults a song, video, activities, and book suggestions for every day of the year. Each day, visitors to DayByDayOH.org will see a new set of activities for today's date.

A service of the State Library of Ohio in collaboration with Ohio Ready to Read, Day By Day Ohio supports early literacy skills, helps young children get ready for school, and is available 24/7.


Storytime 101 Self-Paced Course for Beginners

Storytime 101: Storytime for Beginners is a 5-hour self-paced tutorial developed by the Idaho Commission for Libraries. This interactive course covers basic skills such as preparing for storytime, reading books out loud, using props and music, and engaging adults and children. It is free for anyone to take, but you must have (or create) a Niche Academy account before taking the course.

RealTalk Webinars: Ideas for Parenting Young Children

The A. Sophie Rogers School for Early Learning and the Statewide Family Engagement Center at the Ohio State University are collaborating on RealTalk, a webinar series for families of young children. Webinars take place monthly in and are recorded for anytime viewing. Topics include conflict resolution, storytime at home, race awareness, and more. These webinars are free and open to all.

Two Anytime Webinars on Virtual Storytime

Are you looking for tips, techniques, and best practices for planning and producing online/virtual storytimes? Two recordings from webinars originally presented in summer 2020 are now available for free, anytime viewing via the Self-Paced Online Courses and Recorded Webinars page of the ORTR website! One is from the Ohio Library Council and the other is from WebJunction.

Find more self-paced learning opportunities for early childhood programming: ohreadytoread.org/recorded-webinars

At-home STEAM activities from COSI Connects

COSI Connects provides engaging STEAM content daily through videos, documents, and hands-on science that students, teachers, and families can use at home. Content is tied directly to State of Ohio Learning Standards.

COSI Connects is for families and children anywhere in Ohio. It is free, and membership is not required. Activities are available for all age groups from early childhood through adults, and you may browse by age group to find just the early childhood activities.

Ohio Library Council                    State Library of Ohio