Storytime Foundations

Storytime Foundations is a one-day conference designed to help librarians and library workers build a strong foundation in their storytime programming. It was planned and produced by the Ohio Ready to Read task force and held in Columbus in April 2024. A workshop-style version of this event is under development and is expected to be offered annually in various locations around Ohio.

Session handouts and slides

The Science of Storybook Reading keynote presentation with Dr. Laura Justice, The Ohio State University

1,2,3 Rhyme With Me: Opportunities for Rhyme at Storytime with Jamie Garcia, Washington-Centerville Public Library

Anatomy of a Storytime with Celeste Swanson, The Lane Libraries and Kerry O’Brien Rhoad, Cincinnati & Hamilton County Public Library

Early Literacy 101 Lite with Maria Trivisonno, Cuyahoga County Public Library

Elevate Your Storytime with Speech Development with Kelly Halleen, Medina County District Library and Megan Palasik, Medina County Board of Developmental Disabilities

Learn Puppet Techniques to Enhance and Represent! with Alice Beresford, Cincinnati & Hamilton County Public Library

Learning Through Play with Sue Kirschner, Cuyahoga County Public Library and Laura McFalls, Akron -Summit County Public Library

What Can I Say? Crafting Storytime Asides with Amber Cristofaro, Dayton Metro Library

Why Music? Why Movement? with Barbara Scott, Bucyrus Public Library

Additional Storytime Foundations materials

  • Diversify Your Music Playlist - a playlist and resource guide for incorporating music from from historically marginalized communities into your storytimes, compiled by Annamarie Carlson, Westerville Public Library
  • Archived registration page with conference description and session titles
  • Conference booklet with session descriptions and keynote speaker bios. Please note that some links may not open correctly when clicked, but will open when copy/pasted into your browser.

Storytime Foundations conference description:

Build a strong foundation in your storytime programs. Whether you are new to storytime planning or you’ve been doing it for years, this professional development event will give you an opportunity to learn new ideas, refresh yourself on storytime techniques, and network with others from around the state. Based on the Five Practices from the Every Child Ready to Read initiative, you will gain knowledge in the areas of playing, reading, writing, talking, and singing.

Keynote speakers Dr. Laura Justice (Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy, Ohio State University) and Dr. Katie Campana (School of Information, Kent State University) will contextualize your important work in support of young children and their families. Librarian-led breakout sessions will explore storytime applications of the Five Practices.