Early Literacy 101

Early Literacy 101 is a free, full-day (6 contact hour) hands-on workshop to help library staff build a firm foundation in early literacy. Participants will learn how brain development impacts how young children learn, and will explore effective, research-based early literacy resources and activities.

Early Literacy 101 covers the Six Early Literacy Skills presented in the PLA/ALSC Every Child Ready to Read® 1st edition, and the Five Early Literacy Practices presented in the 2nd edition, along with other early literacy, kindergarten readiness, and early childhood learning concepts and tools, with an emphasis on how storytime, and other programs and activities already taking place at your library, support early learning.

The workshop facilitators will help attendees get ready to offer early literacy storytimes and to work with parents and community partners to share early literacy concepts, promote kindergarten readiness, and build community support.

Who will enjoy and benefit from this workshop?

  • Library workers who are new to children's services
  • Department managers or library directors with new children's services staff
  • Outreach staff
  • Newly degreed youth services librarians
  • Any library worker who wants a refresher course in early literacy


If you want to offer this workshop for your library staff, an Ohio Ready to Read early literacy trainer can come to your library to lead Early Literacy 101, or facilitate the online workshop for your staff. There is no charge for this workshop. It is free for the host library and for all attendees. 

To be eligible to host Early Literacy 101 at your library, you must arrange for 20-35 attendees. You may invite staff from neighboring and area libraries to participate, to reach a minimum of 20 library attendees. You may also open the workshop to area child care workers and other early childhood professionals, up to a maximum of 35 people. ORTR can help to publicize your workshop and can handle outside registrations. Please note that all ORTR trainers are full-time working librarians, and ORTR cannot guarantee availability of a trainer on your preferred date.

To request a workshop, simply complete the training request form.

An online version of the workshop is also available. The online workshop includes two 2-hour live sessions and approximately 2 hours of on-your-own work.