
The Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University
The mission of the Center on the Developing Child is to drive science-based innovation that achieves breakthrough outcomes for children facing adversity. Its online resource library offers videos, reports, presentations, and training modules, including many resources for laypeople.

Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences at the University of Washington
I-LABS is dedicated to discovering the fundamental principles of human learning, with a special emphasis on early learning and brain development. Its Resource Library provides an array of helpful, research-based educational items for parents/caregivers and for practitioners, including self-paced learning modules, educational videos, research briefs, handouts, math and play activities. Of special note is its collection of Equity Briefs supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Child Opportunity Index
A project of at Brandeis University, this data tool describes and quantifies the neighborhood conditions U.S. children experience today. It includes data about education, socioeconomic status, and health and environmental conditions. It covers every neighborhood (census tract) in the United States. Explore the index for neighborhoods in your library’s service district (or anywhere) using the Child Opportunity Index Map.

Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy at the Ohio State University
The Crane Center conducts research related to children’s learning and well-being, and seeking to impact early childhood policy and practice. Browse its collection of research briefs and white papers, many focused on Ohio children in particular.

Early Literacy Research
This compilation by Saroj Ghoting includes links to research related to demographics, brain development, language development, books and reading, the Five Practices, electronic media, bilingual learning; and deafness. Each citation links to the full text of the article or study. Only articles and reports available freely in full text are included in this compilation.

Bringing Literacy Home: An Evaluation of the Every Child Ready to Read Program (2017)
This report covers promising developments in library practice, including a focus on parent engagement, a broader range of programming, innovative use of space, and new roles for children's librarians.



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