Share these booklists with parents and caregivers, or use them to find new-to-you titles for storytime, readers' advisory, and displays!
- Reading Rockets offers a collection of over 100 themed booklists on a wide range of children's interests and developmental areas. Browse lists on dozens of themes and topics or create your own booklist with the Bookfinder tool.
- We Need Diverse Books collects and disseminates resources about race, equity, anti-racism, and inclusion. It offers links to selected, recommended booklists for readers of all ages.
- Reading Race in Picture Books with Children is a resource guide from EmbraceRace suitable for both families and professionals. It includes booklists, guidance on selecting books, and tips on how to develop a race-conscious perspective when reading books to and with children.
- Great Books by Ohio Authors and Illustrators features the Floyd's Pick Book Award winners and honor books and Choose to Read Ohio selections for young children.
- ALSC's Notable Children's Books is an annual list of new titles deemed by a selection committee to be the best of the best. The list for younger readers covers preschool through grade 2.
- Babies Need Words Every Day, a project of the ALSC Early Childhood Programs and Services Committee highlights baby-friendly titles to encourage reading, singing, and talking with babies. Download the Babies Need Words Every Day Booklist Brochure to print and share with families.
- This blog post on Literacy for Youth with Low Vision, from Adaptive Umbrella, includes a list of high-contrast board books and picture books.
Have a booklist to share? Contact ORTR and we will add it to this page! Thank you for helping us build our library.